
Welcome to MACS Digital Media Production Portfolio

This website provides viewers with a journey through Sienna Gudino's experience with MACS 150, the UIUC digital media production class. Throughout this educational voyage, multiple different applications, software, and technologies were used, in order to improve and enhance student's knowledge when it comes to these complex elements of digital media production. Through this class students were taught a variety of things, from using a professional camera to experiment with shutter speeds and focal points, to using Photoshop to create a visual of a TV show concept, to using Adobe Audition to edit and enhance a podcast recorded through the voice notes app on the iPhone.

photoshop image


Just a taste of some of my work: 

Photos of brother, Silas Gudino, and dog, Kobe, used for MACS 150 Digital Media Production Practice with iPhone photography for lab time and scavenger hunts.